Before you confirm your order, you can choose whether you wish to have your online purchases delivered in shopping bags or with no bags. If you opt for delivery in bags, you will be charged a unit fee, the current amount of which you will see in the order creation process, and this fee will be the same regardless of the number of bags in the order, and this fee is the same irrespective of the number of bags in your purchase. If you opt for delivery without bags, your online purchase will come to you in our green trays and you will have enough time to take your purchase. For hygienic reasons, items such as fresh meat, fish and cleaners will continue to be delivered packed at no charge. You can change your mind about whether you want your purchase delivered with or without bags until 11:59 PM on the day prior to delivery.
If the order shall be delivered the same day as the order was submitted, you can change your mind about the bags:
- Until 8:59 am, if the delivery time is between 1 pm-6 pm; or
- until 12:59 pm, if the delivery time is between 6 pm-10 pm.