If you enter payment card details online, we will not charge your card at that point. However, we will make a check to verify the card. If this fails, you will be notified of this on the website. You can try again, or with a different card, or change the payment method to paying by card at your door. If you have any difficulties, please call our customer services helpline who will be happy to help you. Just before your delivery we'll check your card to make sure the full shopping list value is there. If it isn’t, we’ll contact you to ask you whether you’d like to switch to pay at your door, or whether you’d like to cancel your shopping. Your payment card will only be debited by the full amount after your goods are delivered.
For card payment at your door: You can give the Customer Delivery Assistant an alternative payment card. Unfortunately, we will not be able to accept cash. If none of your payment cards work, or if in the rare scenario that there are any connection difficulties with the payment system at your door, we will have to take the goods back to the store. You will not be charged if this happens.