It may happen that the product you have ordered is currently unavailable in the store that is preparing your order.
While shopping online, you can tick/untick the box that gives you the option to allow substitute products in your order. If you don’t wish to receive any substitution in your shopping, please keep the box unticked. You can also allow substitutions only for specific products or for the whole shopping.
When your shopping is delivered, and if you have allowed substitutions, you can decide whether or not you wish to accept them. The price, package size and brand of the substitute product may differ from the price, package size and brand of the product you ordered. The delivery note sent to you via email will list substitutions at the top of the page, including the number of pieces, unit price and selling price. If you don’t want the substitute, just hand it back to the Delivery Assistant, and you won´t be charged for the product.
Similarly, if there is no adequate substitute with which we can provide you instead of your ordered product, no product will be added to your order, nor will you be charged for the unavailable product.