You can make changes to your basket at any time up until 11:59pm on the day before your shopping is to be delivered.
If the order is to be delivered on the same day as it was confirmed, you can change your order:
a) up until 8:59 am, if the chosen delivery time slot is between 1 pm - 6 pm, or
b) up until 12:59 pm, if the chosen delivery time is between 6 pm - 10 pm.
Just go to the ‘My Orders’ tab and click on the ‘Amend Shopping’ button. You can add or remove products by browsing, searching, using your ‘My Favourites’ page or using the promotional lists. While you're amending, you can cancel your amendments at any time by using the button at the top right-hand corner of your screen. Once you've finished updating your order, confirm your amendments using the button in the ‘My Orders’ tab. Even if you've entered payment details online, no payment will be made until after you’ve received your shopping. And don't worry, you won't be charged twice.
Please, keep in mind that once you decide to amend the confirmed order, the prices of the products in your order will be updated to the actual prices valid on the day you amend your order. You can decide whether you wish to accept the changes. If you don’t want to accept them, just keep your order as it was confirmed initially.